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The Higher Education Development National Center participated in the 30th Annual Joint Meeting of the ENIC-NARIC network, which took place from June 11th to June 13th, 2023, in Stockholm, Sweden

The ENIC-NARIC Meeting is the largest and most significant event in the field of recognition and evaluation of foreign qualifications. The event brought together 150 representatives from 45 countries of the international ENIC-NARIC network, as well as representatives from the European Council, the Council of Europe, and other interested organizations.

The aim of the event was to support multilateral cooperation by exchanging information on qualification recognition policies and practices, as well as discussing key challenges and opportunities facing higher education today.

Throughout the three-day meeting, representatives of the Higher Education Development National Center actively participated in panel discussions, seminars, and working groups, addressing relevant issues and challenges related to qualification recognition and evaluation systems.

A special panel discussion involved representatives from Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, who shared information about their national procedures for recognizing foreign qualifications and presented their plans for better addressing the challenges of globalization and promoting the development of higher education in their respective countries.

The participation of the Higher Education Development National Center in the 30th Annual ENIC-NARIC Meeting underscores our commitment to international collaboration and continuous development in the field of higher education. We strive to improve the quality of education and promote international mobility of students and professionals.

The Center expresses sincere gratitude to the Swedish Council for Higher Education (ENIC-NARIC Sweden) for organizing this important meeting. Participation in the event allowed us to establish new contacts and exchange cutting-edge ideas with other experts in the field of recognition of higher education.

#ENICNARIC #highereducation #recognition #evaluation #internationalcollaboration