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The National Centre for Higher Education Development has launched a strategic session

On 30 September this year, the National Centre for Higher Education Development has launched a strategic session on the basis of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. This event was the key in determining the main directions of activity and development strategy of the Centre for 2023-2024.
At the session, the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Sayasat Nurbek made a speech in which he focused on four priority areas for the improvement of higher education, emphasising the importance of each of them in the context of national education. He also noted the important role of the Centre as a scientific-methodological and information-analytical centre in achieving the goals and development of science and higher education in the country. 
The session considered 6 strategic directions of the Centre's work, including the implementation of the Bologna Process objectives, maintenance of the Register of Educational Programmes, the process of recognition of educational documents, as well as analytical activities aimed at achieving the mission and goals of the Centre. 
The participants of the session were also familiarized with the X-matrix methodology of Hosin Kanri under the guidance of Oleg Metsik, who moderated and facilitated the session, explaining in detail the principles of working with the X-matrix. After that, the participants, working in groups, developed and presented the X-matrix for each of the strategic directions.