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Dear Sir/Madam, I did not receive any feedback on my application for Scholarship program.


Good day, Khadija!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
You did not provide your full initials to search for your application in our database for the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If your full initials at registration correspond to these initials “Khadija Jamal”, then you have passed the psychological test with the indicator “High stress resistance”. We ask you to await further decisions of our experts.

Yaser Mujaddedi29.07.2021

What does it mean to have a high stress tolerance 45p. In other words does it means failure or success?


Good day, Yaser Mujaddedi!
In response to your request, we inform you of the following.
A message about passing a psychological test with the text content "High stress resistance" means that you have passed the psychological test positively.


Сәлеметсіздерме! Мен осы гранттар үміткер ретінде құжат тапсырған едім.Мағар "АИТВ анықтамасы жоқ ертеңге дейін жіберіңіз"- деген жауап келді. Мен дереу анализ тапсырдым.Енді анализ қорытындысы 2 күнде дайын болады екен.Тағы бір күн уақыт беремекен?


Қайырлы күн, Жасмина!
Сіздің өтінішіңізге жауап ретінде келесіні хабарлаймыз.
Осы мәселе бойынша сізден электрондық мекенжайға жазуды сұраймыз admission@n-k.kz


Can I apply now for this scholarship?


Good day, Sabur!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
We ask you to describe in more detail the essence of your question.
If you are interested in the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we inform you that this program is closed, the deadline for submission of documents has expired.


Сәлеметсіздер ме, Қазақстан Республикасы азаматы 2018 жылы Қырғыз Республикасында қорғалып, техника ғылымдарының кандидаты деген ғылыми дәрежемен Қазақстан аумағында қызмет жасауға болады ма? Егер болмаса не істеу керек, өткен айда ЕвАЭС-ке кіретін мемлекеттер бір-бірінде қорғалған ғылыми дәрежелерді нострификациясыз мойындайды деген хабар оқып едім.


Сәлеметсіз бе, Солтанбек!
Сіздің сұрағыңыз бойынша ҚР Білім және ғылым министрлігіне хабарласуыңызды сұраймыз.
Анықтама сұрақтар үшін 8 7172 742370 нөмірі.

Ali Qasimi27.07.2021

Hello again, As you guided me to describe my question in more detail. 1. Full name: Ali Qasimi Date of birth: 27.07.1995 Citizenship: Afghanistan Country of residence: Afghanistan E-mail: ali.qasimi1393@gmail.com Phone number: +93767741424 2. Passport information Number: P02583499 Issuing authority: Kabul Central Passport Department (MOI) Date of issue: 29 May 2021 Date of expiry: 29 May 2026 3. Previous level and field of study: Bachelor, “Water resources and water use” from Kazakh National Agrarian university, Almaty Kazakhstan 4. Educational level I applied for: Master degree University: Kazakh National Agrarian University Educational program: Water resources management Using IT technology I submitted my documents on 15.07.2021 for the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh Nationality who are not citizens of the republic of Kazakhstan. But haven’t received the link of psychological test yet. I am waiting your attention. Thank you


Good day, Ali Qasimi!
In response to your request, we inform you of the following.
The user with the initials Ali Qasimi is not present in our database in the section of accepted applications for the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are no matches according to your description.


Здравствуйте добрый вечер! хотел узнать подать заявку можно сейчас или уже время прошло?


Доброго времени суток, Али!
В ответ на Ваше обращение сообщаем следующее.
Просим Вас более развернуто описать суть Вашего вопроса.
Если Вы интересуетесь стипендиальной программой для иностранных граждан и лиц казахской национальности, не являющихся гражданами Республики Казахстан, сообщаем Вам, что данная программа закрыта, сроки подачи документов истекли.

Amir Mohammad Azimi27.07.2021

Hello, I received the link for the psychological test and have passed the test. After that, I didn't receive any email and cannot open my personal account. Should I still be waiting? Will I receive an email notification for the next step? (because I don't have access to my personal account) Sincerely Amir Mohammad Azimi


Good day, Amir Mohammad Azimi!
In response to your request, we inform you of the following.
We confirm that you have passed the psychological test on 22.07.2021 at 23: 13 hours according to the time of Nur-Sultan. We ask you to wait for the further decision of our experts.

Anita Halnazarova26.07.2021

Здравствуйте уважаемый Болонский процесс. Я подала свои документы 19 июля 2021 года. Я так и не получила дальнейших указаний, на почту не пришло смс для того, чтобы я создала личный кабинет и прошла тест. Как долго необходимо ждать, когда на мою почту придет письмо? Меня интересует, нахожусь ли я у вас в базе? C уважением, Halnazarova Anita.


Доброго времени суток, Anita Halnazarova!
В ответ на Ваше обращение сообщаем следующее.
Ваши документы приняты в базу для рассмотрения 17.07.2021 года в 22:32 часов по времени г. Нур-Султан.
Просим ожидать дальнейшего решения наших экспертов. Ваши документы в процессе рассмотрения.

Fazli Haq26.07.2021

Hello, Recently I asked about the recovery of my paasword. I recovered it. Please don,t approve my last request. Thanks Fazli Haq


Good day, Fazli Haq!
In response to your request, we inform you of the following.
Good. We ask you to wait for the further decision of our experts.