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A core curriculum can be defined in various ways but here core curriculum is a written document that describes the landscape of a teacher’s work environment in Kazakhstan and elaborates on the core values and the shared pedagogical understanding as well as the fundamental approach to quality learning that shall direct all the initial teacher education programmes and target groups: professors, teachers, instructors, assistants, university leaders and owners, local educational authorities, and other professional groups in universities.

The core curriculum has been created based on various documents and deliverables from the Strengthening Initial Teacher Education KZEMP/QCBS-03 project, including a comprehensive Needs analysis of the current situation and development needs of initial teacher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the enhanced model of ITE.

The core curriculum creates alignment between the different educational programmes by setting central pedagogical guiding principles and indicates competences that all initial teacher education programmes shall follow. In addition, the core curriculum includes the component of pedagogical studies which shall be common for all graduate level initial teacher education programmes. For the post-graduate level education programmes, the core curriculum acts as a guiding document in the design and implementation of the programmes.

The core curriculum includes the following five elements:

Figure 3. The content of the Core Curriculum

This website presents various support materials for the main pedagogical principles and cross-cutting themes described in the Core Curriculum:

  • Competence-based approach
  • Student-centered approach & Active Learning Methodologies
  • Constructive alignment
  • Assessment
  • Inclusion
  • Digitalization
  • Interdisciplinary learning: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and STE(A)M Science, Technology, Engineering, (Any) Mathematics education
  • Research-based Initial Teacher Education
  • Teachers’ professional development and change management

Find presentations, videos, links, and other materials related to the pedagogical principles and cross-cutting themes