OOFHEC 2019: the Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference ‘Blended and online education within European university networks’
The OOFHEC 2019 conference will focus on trends and high impact factors in the global and European higher education.
In a combination of plenary keynotes by key players in higher education at institutional and policy level and parallel presentations and workshops, OOFHEC 2019 will cover latest developments under the following topics:
Plenary sessions
- Blended and online education
- Micro-credentials for continuous education and MOOCs
- European university networks, internationalisation and virtual mobility
- Learning bots
- Equal opportunities and inclusion
Parallel sessions
Parallel sessions give the opportunity to participants to give presentations on ongoing research and innovation, to discuss topics in the modernisation in higher education, to organise workshops and seminars.
Topics listed are:
OOFHEC 2019 topics
- Artificial Intelligence in teaching and learning
- Support services in online and distance education
- Assessment and recognition of Short Learning Programmes and MOOCS
- Gender equality
- European university networks and the OpenU Hub
- MOOCS for the labour market
- Blended and online education
- Accreditation of online education
- Quality Assurance in Blended and Online Education
- Short Learning Programmes
- Open education and MOOCs, European MOOC Consortium
- Inclusiveness and accessibility
- Networked curricula and Virtual Mobility
- Changing the Pedagogical Landscape: new competences for teachers
Detailed information on participation in the Conference is published on the website: https://conference.eadtu.eu/