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Здраствуйте! Как взять нострификацию? Собираю документы на поступления магистратуры в вуз Синергия.


Здравствуйте Самат!
Центр Болонского процесса и академической мобильности МОН РК (далее – Центр) в ответ на Ваше обращение сообщает следующее.
Государственная услуга "Признание и нострификация документов об образовании" осуществляется Республиканским государственным предприятием на праве хозяйственного ведения "Центр Болонского процесса и академической мобильности" Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан (далее - Центр)
Согласно пункту 1 Правила признания и нострификации документов об образовании (далее – Правила) разработаны в соответствии с подпунктом 21) статьи 5 Закона Республики Казахстан от 27 июля 2007 года "Об образовании", в соответствии с подпунктом 1) статьи 10 Закона Республики Казахстан от 15 апреля 2013 года "О государственных услугах" (далее – Закон) и определяют порядок признания и (или) нострификации документов об основном среднем, общем среднем, техническом и профессиональном, послесреднем, высшем и послевузовском образовании физических лиц, получивших образование в других государствах и в международных или иностранных учебных заведениях (их филиалах).
Прием заявления и выдача результата оказания государственной услуги осуществляются через некоммерческое акционерное общество «Государственная корпорация «Правительство для граждан» (далее – Государственная корпорация).
Перечень документов, необходимых для оказания государственной услуги при обращении услугополучателя в Государственную корпорацию:
1) заявление о признании/нострификации документов об образовании по форме согласно приложению 2 к настоящему стандарту государственной услуги;
2) копия легализованного или апостилированного документа об образовании и приложения к нему (оригинал для сверки, подлежит к возврату) и нотариально засвидетельствованный перевод (в случае, если документ полностью на иностранном языке) документа об образовании и приложения к нему, включая перевод печати.


Здравствуйте. После окончания российской магистерской программы 44.04.01 Педагогическое образование (Методическое сопровождение начального и дошкольного образования) намереваемся подать на нострификацию диплом. Вопрос: в соответствии с казахстанским Классификатором специальностей (ОП) диплом с каким названием образовательной программы мне будет выдан в Казахстане?


Здравствуйте Жумагуль!
По Вашему обращению сообщаем следующее. Для проведения экспертной оценки документа об образовании необходимо направить диплом на процедуру признания. Телефон для справок. 87172-287535, 87172-287527.

Hekmatullah Shahin03.08.2021

Dear Sir/Madam, I have applied for Kazakhstan scholarships Master's degree in the Field of Agriculture. After passing the pyschological test, I received an email on July 15 to clarify my specialty at S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro-techincal university. I sent them my prefered specialty course name along with its code which I took from university website. Since then, I have not received any feedback from your team. Would you kindly provide some information about the next process and status of my application. Kind Regards,


Good day, Hekmatullah Shahin!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
The message about passing the psychological test with the text "High stress resistance" means that you passed the psychological test positively. We ask you to wait for the notification of the interview, which you will receive to the email address you specified when filling out the application for the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The notification will come with an attached link to the video conferencing through the ZOOM application for the interview.


Добрый день! Я, Маханбетхан Шаяхмет Шореханұлы, (ИНН 950425300573) хотел узнать статус моей нострификации диплома клинической ординатуры РФ, который подавал 15.07.21г, номер заявки 10100516532146. Спасибо!


Добрый день!
Статус вашей заявки 10100516532146 – ожидание ответа на запрос (подтверждение подлинности документа об образовании) от учебного заведения.

Khadija Jamal02.08.2021

Dear Sir/Madam, Hope you are doing well. I just wanted to know about my application status and when possibly I receive a feedback on my application status? Many Thanks, Khadija Jamal


Good day, Khadija Jamal!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
The message about passing the psychological test with the text "High stress resistance" means that you passed the psychological test positively.

Amir Mohammad Azimi02.08.2021

Hello Dear Scholarship Committee I have passed the psychological test again with the "High Stress-Tolerance" result. Can you please check your database records and confirm that I have passed the test with the mentioned result? Sincerely Amir Mohammad Azimi


Good day, Amir Mohammad Azimi!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
The message about passing the psychological test with the text "High stress resistance" means that you passed the psychological test positively.

Moin Asghar Shinwari02.08.2021

Hello Dear Sir/ Madam, I hope this message finds you well, I am from Afghanistan and I applied for the MBA program in Kazakh British Technical University under Kazakhstan Government scholarships, Kindly tell me what would be the benefits of the scholarship, and one more question, I have given the online psychological adaptive test so when would be the results of this test will out ? I am looking forward for your cooperation in this regard.


Good day, Moin Asghar Shinwari!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
When you enroll in a university of your choice under a scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, after approval by our experts, you will receive free tuition, as well as monthly cash payments in the form of a scholarship. After passing the psychological testing, you automatically receive a notification message about the result of its completion, which describes in detail the level of your stress resistance, the number of points and the time spent on passing.


Dear Sir/Madam scholarship Committee ,I applied this scholarship on the portal by fulfilling all requirements except ILTS or ToFL cereteficate but here in Ethiopia I took all courses in English,even I attached the evidence for that .would please clarify how can I participated if possible


Good day, Hailemichael Kefie!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
The presence of ILTS, ToFL certificates for admission to doctoral studies is a mandatory criterion. All the necessary information for admission under the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan was provided by directions in the news section and as a brochure.

Amir Mohammad Azimi02.08.2021

Hello As you know, I have passed the psychological test on 22.07.2021. But when I opened my account again today, The site says that I haven't passed any tests. Do I need to pass the psychological test again? Sincerely Amir Mohammad Azimi


Good day, Amir Mohammad Azimi!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
When sending a letter of notification for undergoing psychological testing under the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, you will be sent a link to create a personal account and a brief instruction. This manual describes that the link that is sent to you is valid only for one-time use. Be careful and read the instructions. According to our database, you did not launch the psychological testing system, that is, your link was activated, but you did not launch the testing system. A repeated notification of the psychological testing was sent to you by mail, we ask you to proceed with the testing when activating the link.

Samira Jan02.08.2021

Hello, Dear Respected Scholarship Committee, In my previous question that I've asked. You pointed that you will receive notification by Email for participating in the VSK Interview. Actually, I don't understand the VSK abbreviation. Could you please clarify it? with best regards, Samira jan


Good day, Samira jan!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
We ask you to wait for the notification of the interview, which you will receive to the email address you specified when filling out an application for the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The notification will come with an attached link to the video conferencing through the ZOOM application for the interview.