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Шихамирова Нина Идрисовна21.07.2021

Добрый день! 01.07.2021 года подала документы на проведение нострификации диплома Российского ВУЗа, с целью продолжения обучения в ВУЗе РК (для получения степени бакалавра). До сих пор нет ответа из ЦОН. Хотелось бы узнать статус заявки. Шихамирова Нина Идрисовна.


Добрый день!
дата номер приказа примечание тип автор
12.07.2021 № 288 т cbpiam08

дата серия удостоверения тип примечание печать автор
12.07.2021 БТ № 0041962 рег. № 128557 БТ Русский | Казахский cbpiam08

Выдача в Центре или отправка в ЦОН готовых удостоверений
дата примечание автор
14.07.2021 направлено в ЦОН cbpiam08

Murtaza Haidary21.07.2021

Dear sir/madam
Greetings from Afghanistan!
I would like to bring to your kind attention that I am one of the applicants of Kazakhstan Scholarship for International Students 2021.
I have successfully submitted my application (the PDF form), but I have not received the email to continue my registration to the online portal, while according to the guide, I should have received the link in my email. I have completed the process until figure 6 of the attached step by step application guide. For ease of reference, the mentioned document is attached to this email. Therefore, I would like to humbly request you to assist me with this, so that I won't miss out on this precious learning opportunity.
With thanks and best regards,
Murtaza Haidary


Good morning, Murtaza Haidary!
In response to your request, we inform you of the following.
We ask you to wait for the further decision of our experts. Your documents are being reviewed.

Samir Jan21.07.2021

Hello Dear sir/madam; greetings, one of my friends has applied for a master's degree in accounting and audit and her application has been approved. they sent it an email on 19 July. that email contains a link for passing the test. she has opened that email not the link. Does it work or not? what about test questions and type? what about the deadline to pass the test? waiting for your response. Thank you Samira Jan


Good day, Samira Jan!
In response to your request, we inform you of the following.
This link is intended for passing psychological testing. You must click on the link and pass the test before 22.07.2021. If you only opened an email, but did not click on the link, then the link in the email is still functioning.

Chineze Echimam21.07.2021

Dear Sir/Madam, i just applied for the Kazakhstan Scholarship program and submitted my documents online from Nigeria. I have received a link enic-kazakhstan.kz for proceeding with my personal account after logging in I could not attempt the test. Can you please help me in resolving this issue? I appreciate your quick response. Thank you


Good morning, Chineze Echimam!
In response to your request, we inform you of the following.
We ask you to wait for the further decision of our experts.
Your documents are being reviewed.

Samira Jan21.07.2021

Hello Dear Respectful Committee, Greetings, One of my friends has applied for a master's degree in Accounting and Auidt and her admission has also been approved. Meanwhile, She received an email containing a link to pass the test on 19 July. she doesn't have any idea about the test syllabus and the test deadline. could you tell us some information about test questions and the last date to pass the test? How long that link works? It said that the link works just for one time. therefore, she did not open it yet. yours sincerely, Samira Jan


Good day, Samira Jan!
In response to your request, we inform you of the following.
This link is intended for passing psychological testing. You must click on the link and pass the test before 22.07.2021.

Гайниза Нурлыбаева21.07.2021

Здравствуйте! я прикрепила анализ на СПИД и флюрографию. А медицинскую справку о состоянии здоровья забыла прикрепить . Можно ли отменить заявку и подать заново.


Доброе утро, Гайниза Нурлыбаева!
В ответ на Ваше обращение сообщаем следующее.
Стипендиальная программа для иностранных граждан и лиц казахской национальности, не являющихся гражданами Республики Казахстан закрыта, сроки подачи документов истекли.

Ахмет Атак21.07.2021

Сәлеметсіз бе, менің атым Ахмет. Түркия Республикасы азаматымын. Құжаттарды жіберіпсоңына ұсыныс және шақырту хатты жеке жіберсем бола ма?


Қайырлы таң, Ахмет Атак!
Сіздің өтінішіңізге жауап ретінде келесіні хабарлаймыз.
Біздің сарапшыларымыздың одан әрі шешімін күтулеріңізді сұраймыз.
Сіздің құжаттарыңыз қарау барысында.


12 июльда тапсырдым Эл почтама код келди бирак личный кабинетке кире алмай жатрм Ертен уже последний день что нужно сделать?


Доброе утро, Асемгул!
В ответ на Ваше обращение сообщаем следующее.
Просим ожидать дальнейшего решения наших экспертов.

Қайырлы таң, Асемгул!
Сіздің өтінішіңізге жауап ретінде келесіні хабарлаймыз.
Біздің сарапшыларымыздың одан әрі шешімін күтулеріңізді сұраймыз.

abola2002 Bahirdar21.07.2021

Recently, I have got the chance to apply for a scholarship in one of Khaz- University, when the results are announced?


Good morning, abola2002 Bahirdar!
In response to your request, we inform you of the following.
We ask you to wait for the further decision of


Қайырлы күн, мен Ақтау қаласында орналасқан Yessenov University -де 3-курсқа өттім. Өзім Өзбекстан азаматшасымын, менде осы бағдарлама бойынша құжаттарымды тапсырдым. Маған стипендия тағайындалу мүмкіндігі барма?


Қайырлы таң, Умида!
Сіздің өтінішіңізге жауап ретінде келесіні хабарлаймыз.
Біздің сарапшыларымыздың одан әрі шешімін күтулеріңізді сұраймыз.