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Training on new educational programs.

In the 2021-2022 academic year, 57 organizations of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time recruited 320 new EP included in the Register of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education, of which bachelor's degree - 177, master's degree - 86, doctoral degree - 21, residency - 36 with a total of 5573 students.

In the new organization of higher and postgraduate education, the De Montfort University Kazakhstan, 139 students began training in 5 educational programs (6B0408801 Economics and International Relations, 6B04102 Finance and Investments, 6B04103 Business and Marketing, 6B0408802 Business Law, 6B04104 Accounting and Finance).

In the Field of education, a larger number of educational programs in 07 Engineering, manufacturing and Civil engineering - 68 EP (of which bachelor's - 50, master's - 14, doctorate - 4), 01 Pedagogical sciences - 50 EP (of which bachelor's - 33, master's - 16, doctorate - 1), 04 Business, Administration and law - 39 EP (of which bachelor's - 23, master's - 12, doctorate - 4).