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Webinar "Experience in the implementation of joint and double-degree educational programs of Kazakhstani HEIs"

On May 12, 2021, Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized a webinar for universities "Experience in the implementation of joint and double-degree educational programs of Kazakhstani HEIs".

The online meeting was attended by over 200 representatives of organizations of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The experience of implementing joint and double-degree educational programs was shared by Zh. Shortanbayeva, coordinator of educational programs, Department of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics, Faculty of Physics and Technology, KazNU named after al-Farabi; M. Tadzhieva, Director of the International Cooperation Department, Abai KazNPU; S. Karstina, Head of Postgraduate Education Department, Karaganda University named after Ye. Buketov; L. Khasenova, Director of Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University; T. Segeda, Director of the Center for International Educational Programs, D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan technical university.

During the webinar, university representatives had the opportunity to ask questions, share best practices and exchange experiences on the implementation of joint and double-degree educational programs. The participants noted the relevance and content of the webinar.

The materials of the webinar is available on the website of Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center of MoES RK.

A video recording is available at the following link.