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New head of the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center of the MES RK was appointed

Mukhataev Aidos Agdarbekovich was appointed Director of the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan by order of the Minister of Education and Science of RK.

Aidos Mukhataev was born in 1976. Graduated from Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov. In 2007 he became a candidate of pedagogical sciences, in 2011 he became an associate professor.

From 1997 to 2005 he worked as a history teacher at school in Karaganda.

In 2005-2013 he was a lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor, deputy dean, dean of Karaganda State University named after. E.A.Buketov.

In 2013-2017, he was the deputy director for educational and methodological work of the branch of JSC "NCPC "Orleu" of the Institute of Teachers Professional Development in Karaganda region.

From 2017 to 2018, he was the Vice-Rector for Strategy and International Cooperation of the North Kazakhstan State University named after M.Kozybaev.

In 2018-2020, he was Deputy Director of the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center.

From 2020, he managed the Department of Strategy and Corporate Governance of Astana IT University.

Congratulations on your new position and wish you success!