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Салеметсизбе, 21 жылы магистр кире аллмадым бакалавр туризм . Магистр педагогический болама негизи


Сәлеметсіз бе, Асемгүл!
Сіздің сұрағыңыз түсініксіз, қосымша ақпаратты талап етеді. 8 7172 287-527 нөмеріне хабарласыңызшы.

Ahmad Jamshid Safi26.05.2022

Hello, to whom it may concern, My name is Ahmad, I did my master's degree at Eurasian National University, and I have uploaded all necessary documents to be considered for the Ph.D. scholarship available seats. I have got three short questions: 1: How long does it take to expect a link from your side to proceed with my application? 2: Does the scholarship covers dorms/accommodation?, how much would be the stipend for a Ph.D. scholar? 3: One of my friends wants to apply for a Master's degree, will she be provided a predatory course in Kazakh and Russian language than to a master's program, or does she needs to apply directly to a program where the language of instruction is English?


Dear Ahmad Jamshid Safi,
1. Applications will be considered in order. You should patiently wait for 2-4 weeks.
2. Scholarship does not cover accommodation. The amount of stipend will be the same as the Kazakhstani students', which is approximately 180.000tenge (435$) for doctoral students.
3. She needs to apply directly for a program in English if she wants to start studies this year from September. We have language courses which is also received on a competitive basis and lasts for 1 year. Meaning that she will pass language courses for 1 year and after that she has to apply for a scholarship program. Applications for language courses start in August usually.

Munzer Ahmed Mohamed Hasaballa26.05.2022

Hello dear, I hope this email finds you well, Iam Munzer Ahmed from Sudan, Kindly, provide me with the benefits (what your current scholarship covers) of Kazakhstan scholarship to study Medicine_ MBBS.


Dear Munzer Ahmed Mohamed Hasaballa,
Scholarship covers tuition fee and monthly stipend.


Hello, I am Iranian and aside from the full tuition cover to which you answered in the Brochure, I'd like to know about amount of monthly stipend. How much is it and how you pay it to the scholarship holders? My other question is about the number of PhD nominees. Are there really only 10 places for students? Many thanks


Dear applicant,
The monthly stipend will be the same as the stipend of Kazakhstani students, which is approximately 180000 tenge (435$). The amount might change slightly every year. But the stipend will be given depending on your academic progress. After each semester your final marks of each subject should not be less than B mark. Meaning that, Kazakhstani universities have the same rules and requirements for all students, both domestic and international.
Regarding your second question, yes, we do have only 10 seats for PhD.


Hi I'm from Ethiopia, Is your scholarship fully funded for 2022


Dear Ejerso,
Scholarship covers tuition fee and monthly stipend.


Добрый день. Планирую поступать на 1 курс бакалавриата с помощью гранта, у меня есть аттестат об окончании 11 классов в России. Подскажите, для его предъявления мне нужно производить процедуру признания аттестата? И если да, то где это можно сделать? Спасибо.


Добрый день, Анастасия!
Нет, процедура признания пока не требуется. Так как у Вас аттестат на русском языке Вы можете загружать Ваш аттестат и приложение.


Здравствуйте будут ли гранты для магистрантов в рамках академической мобильности?


Добрый день, Алмаз!
К сожалению, в 2022 году Министерство выделило только для бакалавриата.


Қайырлы күн! Стипендиалдық бағдарламаға қатысты сұрақ: Ұсыныс хаттың арнайы шарттары бар ма? Оны қолмен қағазға жазу қажет па немесе WORD-та?


Сәлеметсіз бе, Азамат!
Word-та жазып, шығарып, ұсынушы адамның қолы қойылуы қажет.


Добрый день! Я заканчиваю школу в России по национальности казах и хотел бы получить высшее образование в ВУЗе Республики Казахстан, хотел бы узнать для поступления по Стипендиальной программе надо ли проходить ЕНТ или подойдут результаты ЕГ, которые я сдаю в России?


Добрый день, Даниал!
Для поступления по Стипендиальной программе не требуется сдача никаких тестов.
Нужен аттестат об окончании школы со средним баллом не менее, чем "хорошо". Вся информация на сайте. https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/ru/stipendialnye-programmy/operativnaya-informaciya


Шетел азаматы едім магистураға құдатымды тапсырғым келеді қалай тапсыра аламын?


Сәлеметсіз бе, Берікбол!
Құжаттарыңызды сайтта тапсырасыз. https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/stipendialnye-programmy/operativnaya-informaciya