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Вопрос - ответ

Dr.Dt.Gökhan Coşkun29.06.2023

Merhaba; kızımı Al Farabi üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesinde okutmak istiyorum. Türk vatandaşıyız. Kayıt İçin neler yapmamız gerekiyor. Kazakistan'a gelirken hangi evrakları getirmeliyiz. Tercümeler orda yapılıyor mu. Hazırlık okumaması için herhangi bir sınava girmesi gerekiyor mu. Kabul için bir sınav var mı. Teşekkür ediyorum.


Good afternoon!
Thank you for your interest in the Scholarship Program of Kazakhstan! You can get more detailed information about the program by following the link:
The deadline for accepting documents for participation in scholarship programs is from March 30 to June 30 of the calendar year.
In case of passing the competitive selection, you can start studying at the University of Kazakhstan according your choice from the 1st year.
The list of universities and educational programs can be found at the link below: https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/files/1682078382/list-of-universities-participants-and-educational-programs.pdf


В какой период рассматривается анкета (Стипендиальная программа) и отправляется приглашение на тестирование? В какой период назначается собеседование и будут известны итоги - список поступивших (для иностранных абитуриентов)?


Здравствуйте, МАКСАТ!
Ввиду большого количества претендентов ссылки на тестирование отправляются в порядке очереди после одобрения документов. Собеседование пройдет с 10 июля по 10 августа, окончательное решение Комиссии будет известно 28 августа.


What happens if I submitted my documents but by mistake I wrote my last name instead of my surname in the form? Should I submit my documents again? What should I do?


Good afternoon!
This can be corrected during the interview.


Здравствуйте! В этом году поступаю как иностранный гражданин в Astana IT University. Документы на стипендиальную программы уже подали. Скажите, когда можно будет пройти следующие этапы поступления (тестирование, онлайн собеседование)? И когда я смогу узнать результаты о распределении грантов, если обучение в моем университете начинается уже в августе?


Добрый вечер, Ruslana!
Ссылку на тестирование Вам отправят в порядке очереди после проверки Ваших документов. Онлайн-интервью запланировано с 10 июля по 10 августа. Окончательное решение Комиссии будет известно 28 августа.


Здравствуйте, сколько по времени проверяют заявку?


Здравствуйте, Владислав!
Ввиду очень большого количества претендентов заявки проверяются в порядке очереди. Вам обязательно ответят.

Waliallah Ghafori27.06.2023

Hello! I filled the application form and attached all the required documents. In the final stage when I clicked the send but button it did not work and the documents were not submitted. Could you help me with this problem please?


Good afternoon!
To apply for a scholarship program, you can visit our website and get more information at the link below:
After submitting the documents, do not try to register on the website and log in to your personal account, wait for a letter from the admissions committee
More detailed: https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/files/1648464317/step-by-step-instruction-for-the-applicants-for-the-kazakhstani-university-.pdf

Ghulam Rasul Laly27.06.2023

What is the password to login into my account because I did not set any password! when I enter into my account, I insert the code which came to my email, and it tells me that it is incorrect. What is the solution?


Good afternoon!
To apply for a scholarship program, you can visit our website and get more information at the link below:
After submitting the documents, do not try to register on the website and log in to your personal account, wait for a letter from the admissions committee
More detailed: https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/files/1648464317/step-by-step-instruction-for-the-applicants-for-the-kazakhstani-university-.pdf

Ghulam Rasul Laly27.06.2023

Hello to everyone, actually I submitted my application, but I cannot login into my account. It gives me an error that either your email or your password is wrong. I did not set any password so what is my password? if anyone helps me, thank you!


Good afternoon!
The list of universities and educational programs can be found at the link below: https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/files/1682078382/list-of-universities-participants-and-educational-programs.pdf
To apply for a scholarship program, you can visit our website and get more information at the link below:
After submitting the documents, do not try to register on the website and log in to your personal account, wait for a letter from the admissions committee
More detailed: https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/files/1648464317/step-by-step-instruction-for-the-applicants-for-the-kazakhstani-university-.pdf

Ahmad Fikri27.06.2023

Good morning, is it okay to submit the applications near deadline around 29 or 30 of June? Because i'm currently waiting for my diploma to be published? And how long should i wait for the next step? Thank you


Good afternoon!
Yes, the application deadline is June, 30.


Салем Магистрантураға байланысты құжат тапсырған едім, жеке майл арқылы келген құжаттарды толықтырдым келесі кезеңі Сұхбат және тест қай уақытта болады нақты айтып қалсаныз өтініш.. АЛДЫН АЛА РАХМЕТ!


Сәлеметсіз бе!
Құжаттарыңыз тексерілгеннен киін Сізге тестілеуге сілтеме жіберіледі. Онлайн-әңгімелесу шілде айының 10-нан тамыз айының 10-на дейін өтеді.