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Вопрос - ответ


I am one of the many students interested in applying to the scholarship program for studying at Kazakhstani universities, specifically for a bachelor's degree, it is stated that you need an invitation from the Kazakhstan university, if available, so if I do not have any invitation do I still need to apply to the university? or if I apply for the scholarship I also apply to the university I have chosen? Thank you!


Good afternoon! Dear Azarine!
The invitation is not a mandatory document for submitting an application.

ANAS NASSER16.05.2023

I am one of the winners of the Kazakh scholarships of 2019, and I am about to graduate from Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, majoring in information security systems and the language of instruction in English, and I would like to apply for a master’s degree at Satbayev University, but I do not have IELTS but I have some English certifications so can I apply? Thank you for considering my application for this grant. I am excited about the possibility of furthering my education and contributing to the field of cybersecurity in new and innovative ways.


Good morning! Dear ANAS NASSER!
Thank you for your interest in the Kazakhstan Scholarship Program! If you are applying for a Master's degree, you must provide one of the listed international certificates of English proficiency:
* An international certificate confirming knowledge of a foreign language:
** English: IELTS Academic (International English Language Testing System Academic) threshold score - at least 5.5;
** TOEFL IBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based test), threshold score - at least 46;
** TOEFL PBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Paper-based test), threshold score - at least 453;

Muhammad Khurram16.05.2023

Hello! I am writing you this email inorder to inquire about scholarship. Can you please tell me with is the amount of stipend given to bachelor's student. And when will result of scholarship come. Lastly, last I was selected by the scholarship committee about due to some personal issue I didn't accept the offer so can I apply again?


Good morning! Dear Muhammad Khurram!
Thank you for your interest in the scholarship program of Kazakhstan!
The amount of the scholarship for students studying for a bachelor's degree is 67 US dollars
The operator sends an electronic notification to the fellows about the selection results by August 28 of the calendar year.
Yes, you can apply this year.

Космонов Хуралай16.05.2023

Сәлеметсіз бе!
1.Документтер тапсырылғанды Қазақ тіліне аударма жасату керек ба? 2.Документ тапсыратын жерде" Босқын" деген не деген сөз ? Түсінбедім .иә не жок деп жауап беру керек екен. 3.Документ тапсыратын жерде тағы ,"Білім беру бағдарламасы" деген жерге не жазу керек? 4."Өтінім "деген жерге не жазуы керек? 5. Денсаулық ЖИТС документтері барлығы қазақ тіліне аударылған болуы керек бе?


Сәлеметсіз бе! Құрметті Космонов Хуралай!
Қазақстан Республикасының Стипендиалық бағдарламасына қызығушылық танытқаныңызға қуаныштымыз!
1. Барлық құжаттар қазақ, орыс немесе ағылшын тілінде тапсырылады;
2.Босқын - Атамекенінен бір қиындық көріп, басқа елге ауған жұртты – босқындар дейді;
3.Білім беру бағдарламасы деген жерге тізімге сәйкес қалап алған мамандықты жазасыз;
4. Үміткердің тұрғылықты жерінің ресми денсаулық сақтау органы берген шетелде білім алуға арналған денсаулық жағдайы туралы медициналық анықтама, сондай-ақ адамның иммун тапшылығы вирусының (АИТВ) және ЖҚТБ болмауы туралы медициналық анықтамасы қазақ, орыс немесе ағылшын тілінде тапсырылады.
5. "Өтінім" деген жерге сайттан қосымшаны жүктеп алып толтырасыз:
Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрінің 20__ жылғы «__»________ № __
бұйрығына қосымша
Стипендиялық бағдарламаға қатысу үшін үміткерлерді іріктеу Қағидаларына 4-қосымша

Khurram Shahzad16.05.2023

Dear Sir, I am writing you this email in order to inquire about scholarship. I want to know that what is the stipend amount for bachelors program. I have had applied last year and got selected but did not join due to personal reasons can you please tell me can I apply again or not?


Good afternoon! Dear Khurram Shahzad!
Thank you for your interest in the Kazakhstan Scholarship Program!
In case of passing the competitive selection, you will receive a scholarship in the amount of 67.55 US dollars.
Regarding the second question: yes, you can apply again this year.

Abdul Saboor Seddiqi16.05.2023

Hello, I would like to ask about International students who apply for scholarship If one has already a Masters degree, can he or she apply for the 2nd master? If yes, does it decrease the chance of his acceptance?


Good afternoon! Dear Abdul Saboor Seddiqi!
Thank you for your interest in the Kazakhstan scholarship program!
If you have a master's degree, you will help apply only for a PhD degree.


Hi sir when want to send my application to to sit at final step the sit answer me the email already busy pleas tell what is the problem that I can send


Good morning!
Dear Habibullah!
Good morning! Thank you for your interest in the Kazakhstan Scholarship Program! You have probably already tried to register by specifying your email address. You can apply only once from the specified email address.
You can apply again using a different email address.


Здравствуйте. У меня языковой сертификат TOEFL ITP. Могу ли я подать заявку на докторантуру с этим сертификатом.


Доброе утро, Багила!
В ответ на Ваш вопрос сообщаем следующее.
Согласно правилам Программы, Вам следует предоставить один из следующих сертификатов:
международный сертификат, подтверждающий владение иностранным языком:
по владению английским языком:
Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm (Тест ов Инглиш аз а Форин Лангудж Инститьюшнал Тестинг програм) Internet-based Test (Интернет бейзид тест) (TOEFL IBT (ТОЙФЛ АЙБИТИ), пороговый балл – не менее 46 баллов,
Test of English as a Foreign Language Paper-based testing (TOEFL PBT (Тест ов Инглиш аз а Форин Лангудж пэйпер бэйсед тэстинг) пороговый балл – не менее 453,
International English Language Tests System Academic (Интернашнал Инглиш Лангудж Тестс Систем Академик (IELTS Academic (АЙЛТС Академик), пороговый балл – не менее 5.5;


Добрый день! Подскажите, пожалуйста, где у Вас на сайте информация по аккредитации образовательных программ. Нам нужно для заполнения приложения 5 в рейтинг НПП "Атамекен". В этом приложении есть Ссылка на сайт: enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz


Доброго времени суток, Айгуль!
В ответ на Ваш вопрос сообщаем следующее.
На главной странице сайта перейдите во вкладку "Аккредитация " далее выберите раздел "Реестр аккредитованных ОП". Либо перейдите по ссылке:


Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inquire about the eligibility requirements for the scholarship program you are currently offering. After exploring the list of participating universities and educational programs available on your website, I noticed that the dentistry program, which I am interested in, is not included in the list. This has led me to wonder whether the scholarship does not cover this program, or if it was mistakenly omitted from the list. While browsing a particular university website that is participating in your scholarship program, I found that they offer a dentistry program. However, this program is not listed among the educational programs on your website. Therefore, I would like to inquire if it is possible for me to apply for the dentistry program at this university, even though it is not mentioned in the list of educational programs on your website. I hope that I have expressed this matter clearly, and I would highly appreciate it if you could kindly provide me with the necessary information regarding this case. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Good morning! Dear Taric!
Thank you for your interest in the Scholarship Program of Kazakhstan! The proposed list of universities and specialties has been agreed and approved. You can choose any university and specialty only according to the list proposed by the program.