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Вопрос - ответ

Septa Yudha Eka Nurdin Putra Adi Permana30.07.2021

Dear sir/madam of the scholarship committee. I have opened the link of the Psychological Test of Adaptive Potential that has been stated in the message you sent, but after I repeated to open the link it turned out that the link could not be opened, can I request the link again to able to access and take the test that has been providing there? It was my fault because the internet that I used before is not supportive to access the link, I hope that I will still be given the opportunity to get a new link and be able to take the test for the scholarship I applied for. Please, I beg to get a second chance so that I can take this scholarship test. Thank you for the time and effort that has been given, and once again I apologize for the mistake that happened to me.


Good day, Septa Yudha Eka Nurdin Putra Adi Permana!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
We have sent you a link for passing the psychological testing under the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We remind you that this link has a one-time application after passing the test.

Samira jan30.07.2021

Hello, Dear Scholarship Committee, Hope my email finds you well. we are very pleasant for your ontime responding our questions. I would like to know about interview types and questions. Which kind of interview it is? I mean it is an interview for getting admission or it is also a psychological interviw? yours sincerely, Samira Jan


Good day, Samira jan!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
We ask you to wait for the notification of the interview, which you will receive to the email address you specified when filling out the application for the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The notification will come with an attached link to the Video conferencing interview.

Chineze Echimam29.07.2021

Hello, Trust this meet you well. Please I would like to know the status of my application, if it is still under consideration because I can see a lot of applicants had concluded the psychometric test. If in the affirmative, when should I be expecting the outcome of my application. Thank you, in anticipation of your prompt response as usual.


Good day, Chineze Echimam!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
Your documents were accepted into the database for consideration on 07/19/2021 at 20:31 hours Nur-Sultan time.
We ask you to await further decisions of our experts. Your documents are pending.


Здравствуйте, направлял на почту данный вопрос. Документы на нострификацию подал самостоятельно через портал egov, но оплату производил ранее по реквизитам. И оплачивать через egov не стал. При этом статус в кабинете до сих пор стоит: «Ожидает оплаты». Жду обновления статуса заявки на egov. Хотел бы удостоверится дошли ли данные и в правильности оформлении заявки.


Добрый день!
Оплата за государственную услугу «признание и нострификация документов об образовании» путем подачи через веб-портал «Электронного правительства» производится в системе Egov, в разделе «ШАГ 2»(оплата) после заполнения данных в разделе «ШАГ 1» (заполнение данных). Для подачи заявки Вам необходимо пройти в раздел ШАГ 2 «оплата», чтобы заявка отправилась. Прикрепление квитанции оплаченной другим способом – не представляется возможным. Рекомендуем Вам написать заявление о возврате денег, оплаченных ранее в Центр болонского процесса и академической мобильности МОН РК, либо подать документы через НАО «Государственная корпорация «Правительство для граждан».


Здравствуйте, в соответствии с приказом Министерства образования # 352 от 19.07.2021. Изменилась ли процедура признания учёной степени кандидата наук? Диплом о присуждении учёной степени от 2008года


Здравствуйте Эльмира!
Приказ и.о. Министра образования и науки РК № 352 от 19.07.2021 года вводится в действие с 3 августа 2021 года. В этой связи для получения консультации рекомендуем обратиться в Комитет по обеспечению качества в сфере образования и науки РК по номеру 272397.


I am now a 2nd course foreign student in a Kazakh university can i still apply for the scholarship?


Dear Ahmad,
1. The Scholarship Program 2021 involves starting from the first year of study.
2. In any case, the application deadline was July 20
We wish you all the best!


Dear Sir/Madam, I applied for the Scholarship program on 07.07.2021, 12:06, I really appreciate to know about the status of my application. Many Thanks.


Good day, Khadija!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
You did not provide your full initials to search for your application in our database for the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If your full initials at registration correspond to these initials “Khadija Jamal”, then you have passed the psychological test with the indicator “High stress resistance”. We ask you to await further decisions of our experts.


Dear Sir/Madam, I did not receive any feedback on my application for Scholarship program.


Good day, Khadija!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
You did not provide your full initials to search for your application in our database for the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If your full initials at registration correspond to these initials “Khadija Jamal”, then you have passed the psychological test with the indicator “High stress resistance”. We ask you to await further decisions of our experts.

Yaser Mujaddedi29.07.2021

What does it mean to have a high stress tolerance 45p. In other words does it means failure or success?


Good day, Yaser Mujaddedi!
In response to your request, we inform you of the following.
A message about passing a psychological test with the text content "High stress resistance" means that you have passed the psychological test positively.


Сәлеметсіздерме! Мен осы гранттар үміткер ретінде құжат тапсырған едім.Мағар "АИТВ анықтамасы жоқ ертеңге дейін жіберіңіз"- деген жауап келді. Мен дереу анализ тапсырдым.Енді анализ қорытындысы 2 күнде дайын болады екен.Тағы бір күн уақыт беремекен?


Қайырлы күн, Жасмина!
Сіздің өтінішіңізге жауап ретінде келесіні хабарлаймыз.
Осы мәселе бойынша сізден электрондық мекенжайға жазуды сұраймыз admission@n-k.kz