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Hello. Good Morning What is the benefit of Preparatory Grant.


Good day, Aadil!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
Foreign citizens, as well as citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who entered the program of preparatory departments of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, have the opportunity to study free of charge, that is, under this program, students will have the opportunity to prepare for the main entrance exams.


Hello dear I have applied for the Government Kazakhstan Scholarship for Master degree program. I have passed the interview Process. Now I want to apply for a Preparatory grant. So, my Question is it possible to get me both the Master degree Program Scholarship and Preparatory grant this year 2021-2022?


Good day, Hassan!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
All the necessary information on the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be found on our official website enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz in the news section on the main page. In addition, according to the results of all three stages, a meeting of the competition committee on the above program is to be held, the results will be announced in the second half of September 2021.

Сабурова Гульбану06.09.2021

Кашан шыгады грантқа тускендер тізімі. Мен магистратурага тапсырып едім.


Қайырлы күн, Сабурова Гульбану!
Сіздің өтінішіңізге жауап ретінде келесіні хабарлаймыз.
Шетелдік азаматтар мен Қазақстан Республикасының азаматтары болып табылмайтын ұлты қазақ адамдар үшін стипендиялық бағдарлама бойынша барлық қажетті ақпаратты біздің ресми сайтымыздан біле аласыз enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz басты беттегі жаңалықтар бөлімінде. Бұдан басқа, барлық үш кезеңнің нәтижелері бойынша жоғарыда көрсетілген бағдарлама бойынша конкурстық комиссияның отырысы өтеді, нәтижелері 2021 жылғы қыркүйектің екінші жартысында жарияланады.


Hello dear I have applied for the Government Kazakhstan Scholarship for Master degree program. I have passed the interview Process. Now I want to apply for a Preparatory grant. So, is it possible to get me both the Master degree Program Scholarship and Preparatory grant this year 2021-2022?


Good day, Hassan!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
Unfortunately, applicants for the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan weakly following the Kazakh, Russian and English languages ​​are not enrolled in the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To study the above languages, we recommend enrolling in the preparatory departments of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan available at the link: https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/en/priem-dokumentov-na-podgotovitelnye-otdeleniya-vuzov/podacha-dokumentov-1. Before submitting documents, familiarize yourself with the list of universities participating in your field.


У меня Российский диплом, повышения переквалификации 6 месячный курс. Хотела устроится на работу в школу, но спрашивают нострфикацию. Как мне пройти выше указанную процедуру?


Добрый день, Айнур!
В ответ на Ваше обращение сообщаем следующее.
Центр Болонского процесса и академической мобильности Министерства образования и науки РК является услугодателем по оказанию государственной услуги «Признания и нострификация документов об образовании».
Настоящие Правила признания документов об образовании (далее – Правила) разработаны в соответствии с подпунктом 21) статьи 5 Закона Республики Казахстан от 27 июля 2007 года "Об образовании" (далее – Закон), в соответствии с подпунктом 1) статьи 10 Закона Республики Казахстан от 15 апреля 2013 года "О государственных услугах" (далее – Закон о государственных услугах) и определяют порядок признания документов об основном среднем, общем среднем, техническом и профессиональном, послесреднем, высшем и послевузовском образовании физических лиц, получивших образование в зарубежных организациях образования, в том числе их филиалах, а также в научных центрах и лабораториях.
В связи с чем, диплом о повышении квалификации не подлежит процедуре признания.


Hello dear I have applied for the Government Kazakhstan Scholarship for Master degree program. I have passed the interview Process. I don't Know Russian and Kazakh Language and my English language is intermediate Level. If I get the Scholarship can I attend the Preparatory Classes before my Master program. This is Not only my problem but 50 percent of students applying for this scholarship have the same language problem as me. I hope Your response helping many students. Thank You.


Good day, Hassan!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
Unfortunately, applicants for the scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan weakly following the Kazakh, Russian and English languages ​​are not enrolled in the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To study the above languages, we recommend enrolling in the preparatory departments of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan available at the link: https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/en/priem-dokumentov-na-podgotovitelnye-otdeleniya-vuzov/podacha-dokumentov-1. Before submitting documents, familiarize yourself with the list of universities participating in your field.


Hell, hope everything is well with you! My question is about the facilities of the online scholarship. Is it a full scholarship? How much is the amount of stipend for master students in per month?


Good afternoon, Ghulam!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
On the issue of a monthly scholarship in the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, you can check directly with the university when enrolling.


Hello dear. I have applied for the Scholarship of Foreign Students of the Republic of Kazakhstan. I have passed the interview. but I don't know Kazakh and Russian and my English is not good. So can I apply for Foundation Grants. Or I get one year Language training before my Master program.


Good day, Hassan!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
We recommend that you apply for the program of preparatory departments of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan available at the link: https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/en/priem-dokumentov-na-podgotovitelnye-otdeleniya-vuzov/podacha-dokumentov-1. Before submitting documents, familiarize yourself with the list of universities participating in your field.


Здравствуйте. Подавала 19 июля в Мамлютском ЦОНе документы на признание диплома о среднем профессиональном образовании на имя Чечко Ангелины Ивановны. Диплом выдан Федеральным государственным бюджетным образовательным учреждением высшего образования"Омский государственный медицинский университет" Министерства здравоохранения РФ г.Омск. Регистрационный номер 26561. Как узнать на каком этапе находится рассмотрение?


Здравствуйте Ангелина!
В ответ на Ваше обращение сообщаем.
По результатам поиска базы указанным Вами данных, документов об образовании на процедуру признания не поступали.

Diana Kamila06.09.2021

Hello, my name is Diana from Indonesia, do i still can apply for Scholarship for taking MBA in Kazakhstan?


Good day, Diana Kamila!
In response to your appeal, we inform you the following.
The scholarship program for foreign citizens and persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021 is closed, the deadline for submission of documents has expired.